
Showing posts from May, 2017

Article: "How to Run a Simple and Effective Board Meeting for a Seed Stage Company".

Link:  How to Run a Simple and Effective Board Meeting for a Seed Stage Company .

Article: "Hiring tip: don’t interview like the NFL".

Makes the point that the interviewing process that job candidates are put through may not predict how they actually perform on the job. Quote: "What I keep finding is that no matter how many screening questions, interviews, sample projects, etc. we do, the best data comes out of actual real life work situations". Link:  Hiring tip: don’t interview like the NFL .

Article: "The 9 questions that uncover the most surprising insights from employees".

Great questions, some of which you might not think to ask. My favourite is "#8: “Have you seen someone here do great work that’s gone unnoticed?”". Link:  The 9 questions that uncover the most surprising insights from employees .